Sunday, November 20, 2022

Terms of Use


Terms of Use

Commercial it state above must buy CU to sell as Commercial use and the details provide 
below all my designs are share in Pics of Designs HERE (as my store) for anything that is CU use 
you must provide copyright as shown below to me in your scrap kits for personal use only may not 
resale my poser tubes as yours at this moment and time. 

May Do:

1. You may use my posers and/or psp tubes for creating graphic tags for yourself
or others. You can use them for making websites, homepages, Facebook Timeline Sets,
Journals, Stationary, Scrap Booking, Candy Wrappers, Greeting Cards, Business Cards,
etc 101 items you may make with them 

2. You only need to requirement credit for my Posers. You do not need to require
for my psp tubes but it would be greatly appreciate it if you did as an disclaimer credits
for my posers you need to provide copyright credits for making graphic tags designs
as copyright for them is 

3. For PSP Challenge you may use my artwork for your challenges as long as they download
from my blog and/or my store site. 

A. Facebook Group - Apply message 
B. Add my Site & URL link 
C. I promote your group & URL link to your forum

  What You May Not Do 

1. Do not offer my posers and/or psp tubes for download in their original form
with other people on any website, psp challenges, Facebook etc 

2. You may not redistribute my posers and/or psp tubes in their original form,
such as brushes, textures, clip art etc 

3. You may not re sale my posers and/or psp tubes that are create by me 
as an clip art, or any other type of art collection that you claim as yours

4. Do not burn them on DVD or CD an re sell them in their original form of
my posers and/or psp tubes 

5. None of my posers and/or psp tubes are permitted to be used on any sites
that promote child abuse, hatred discrimination, pornography etc 

6. No images may be reproduced by any method that includes screen captures
I keep the original designs you get "as is"

Copyright All for making graphic tags info

 ©Tinkers Boo

tag by your name (shows whom made it) 

Requirement for Scrap Kits and/or Tuts as shown below

 ©Artist Name + URL link and/or CILM #

 Scrap Kits by Tinkers Boo + URL Link (above)


 ©Artist Name + URL link and/or CILM #

Tuts by Tinkers Boo + URL Link (above)

No Requirement for tag templates, masks, word arts

My posers now come by sets of so many posers in them with the theme view or sets 
of designs for example 

 Cookie Sets- basic sets designs of clothing creations 

 Gumdrop Sets are by the name of the character share with you 

 Plushie Animals are of Animals of Chloe, Cheeky, Rufus etc 

They come of 5 or more there are some freebies to share from time to time for free to download for personal use only No commercial use is allow 

PSP Scripts and Templates

PSP Scripts are template designs I create to share for PU or CU use all creations is design by me with the theme design in PSP Image and PNG format 

Tag Templates they are in PSP Image or PNG format will come with the tutorial how to lay the template together to create the tag design in the tutorials 

Scrap Kits 

 Scrap Kits are design to make tutorials with them they are create with papers, elements, word arts, poser and element designs create with time it takes a good 2 days to 10 days to build the kit as they are all hand made with my create to the theme design with my programs 

If I create a mini kit it is design for a challenge and will be given for free it will have less items in it then my sale scrap kits 

Reasons for Purchasing Items 

  The reason for purchasing the items is that it cost me out of pocket to create the designs of templates, elements, overlays, poser textures, poser characters, etc designs or I have taken good 10 days or more to draw the designs myself to share with you they are not a lot to paid for them all is appreciate for the ones whom do purchase my designs. Prices change as with pics for design we could have a holiday sale and % will go off or I will have a sale and % will come off so look them and promotion sales for it. 
Thank you for support 

Thank you for stopping by look for new designs to arrive soon all digital designs, tutorials and tag designs I create from psp challenges are share on this one site is link with my store or is freebie to download by right click to save or download from my store site. May you enjoy new designs and tutorials to come soon thanks for dropping in we look forward to seeing you again soon xoxo to all feel free to drop comments on the items you purchase or download or do tutorials from love to hear from you xx

All reserves and copyright

 (c)Tinkers Boo

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