Sunday, November 20, 2022

Tuts Info


Each tutorial is create to show you how to make the graphic tag design for personal use it up to you if you do it as I have or create to your liking it is design to show step by step design as I create the tutorial I am writing it as well step by step of making the creation 

PTU  stands for Pay Tutorials Use 

FTU stands for Free Tutorial Use 

Pay Tuts are ones you must purchase to create the design 

Free Tut then all designs except poser or signature tube is paid for (it varies) 

All copyright must be provide as shown in each tutorial design 

It is optional if you give credit for the scrap kit design but I am going to start add it whether it is my design or someone else as it takes 2 minutes to say thank you 

All my tutorials are add to this homepage under Tuts_ (whatever the tutorial is) 

plus I have a Tutorial Blog 2 which is in the layout of the tutorial by the creation of the title of the tutorial it is in working order

All other blog and forums are no longer available 

Facebook Group is HERE feel free to join to get any new updates or news 

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